Crush Event Speaker: Fatim Diarra, Member of the Parliament
Dec 10, 2023
Introducing Crush Speaker
Fatim Diarra is a member of the Parliament and she was the Chair of the City Council of Helsinki for two years prior starting in Parliament. Fatim chairs Naisasialiitto Unioni, the oldest feminist organization in Finland, and she is in the Board of Administration of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL).
As president of the Feminist Association Unioni , she led the preparations of the Oma Tahto 2020 citizens’ initiative for modernization of pregnancy termination. The citizens’ initiative led to changes in Finland's abortion legislation in 2022.
In the city council, Fatim has advocated for the rights of women and minorities and defended a city that also has room for fun. On her initiative, Helsinki started distributing free menstrual products for people with low-income and youth as well as started organizing low-threshold language teaching for immigrant parents. She chaired the steering group of THL's anti-racism training project, and she conducts trainings on the anti-racist approach at work.
Fatim Diarra, kansanedustaja, puheenjohtaja Naisasialiitto Unioni
Fatim Diarra on kansanedustaja, ja vihreiden entinen varapuheenjohtaja ja hän oli kaksi vuotta Helsingin kaupunginvaltuuston puheenjohtaja sekä yhä Naisasialiitto Unionin puheenjohtaja.
Fatim johti Naisasialiitto unionin puheenjohtajana Oma Tahto 2020 - raskaudenkeskeyttämisen modernisointi -kansalaisaloitteen tekemistä, joka johti Suomen aborttilainsäädännön muuttumiseen vuonna 2022.
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